Road Race Eliminator
Point System

MKR Road Race Eliminator Point System

Each Racer must attend all ten races in the championship series,
and be present for a 100 lap Practice Session,
10 lap Qualifying Session,
and 100 lap First Round of Racing.

The Racer with the least amount of points,
Wins the Season Championship.
Runner Up 2nd Place,
and 3rd Place Podium Finishers are also awarded.

All Racers who attend the 100 lap Practice Session get 1 point.
If you do not attend you get 2 points.

The Racer who qualifies 1st gets 1 point,
all others get 2 points.
If you do not attend you get 3 points.

Qualifying times determine starting position.

The 1st Place Racer who Wins a Race gets 1 point.
The 2nd Place Racer gets 2 points.
The 3rd Place Racer gets 3 points.
The 4th Place Racer gets 4 points.
The 5th Place Racer gets 5 points.
The 6th Place Racer gets 6 points.
The 7th Place Racer gets 7 points.

A Racer who does not attend the race gets 8 points.

Therefore a perfect score,
for a Season Champion Winner
would be 30 points.
This is the least amount of points, you can be awarded
for attending 10 Practice Sessions,
Qualifying 1st ten times,
and Winning all 10 races,
making you, the Greatest Slot Racer of the Year,
and Season Champion Winner,
in the class you competed in.


A Black Flag, False Start penalty, will be given to any racer who crosses the Start Finish Line, before the Lights Out, Race Start Light, has Started the race, causing a ReStart to occur, and or if the Pace Car is passed, before it pulls into it’s Pit Lane and parks.
Pace Cars shall have Flashing Safety Car Lights On.
A Black Flag Penalty, is defined as;
The Racer must enter the Pit Lane, Stop in the Pit Box, and Go.
Also Known As Stop and Go Penalty.

When a crash occurs the race will stop. The order of the racing vehicles, will be determined. The location of where the racing vehicle(s) which de-slotted, crashed, will be used to determine, what place, they were in, when the crash occurred. If there is a rolling start, with a Pace Car, the vehicles will line up behind the Pace Car for an official Re-Start, at the Start Finish Line. If no Pace Car was used, and the race was initially a Standing Start, the racing vehicles will line up at the Start Finish Line, for a Standing Re-Start. This is done so that spectators, can keep track, of the position of the racing vehicles, after the chaos of wrecking has occurred. Today’s spectator is tomorrow’s Racer !!! Let’s make the sport grow…  Making the race enjoyable to watch helps.

The reasoning behind this, is that slot cars scale speed, is much faster than their full size, full scale race cars. This makes viewing a slot car race, and keeping track of the cars, and keeping an eye on who’s out in front, very difficult, and frustrating to watch. They appear like fly’s buzzing around a trash can, and thus, not as much fun to watch, as they could be. Thus MKR slows the cars down, to a much more accurate scale speed, with a formula for power application, based on the radius of the turns, and types of turns, used on the layout, so that the cars, just barely, have enough power to de-slot, and thus crashes, chaos and race disruptions, will be less frequent. This reduces damage to the cars, and makes racing more realistic, since you’ll be fighting every lap, to shave off a few tenths, or hundredths of a second, making passing more difficult, and pit strategy more important. A good example of this is full scale DTM Racing, where the horsepower is limited to 500 to reduce crashing, injuries, and the high cost of racing, No one really likes the damage, and or destruction, of rare irreplaceable racing vehicles, regardless of scale. In real racing, a crash, quite often, is the end of your day, and rarely, can you crash twice, and ever win a race.

Thus, every time your slot racing vehicle, leaves the slot, in such a way, that the racer can no longer control, or continue to drive their racing vehicle, unless it is manipulated by hand, back into the slot, said racing vehicle, by said definition has “crashed”. and will be penalized 1 point. If the Racer crashes a 2nd time, the Racer will be penalized 1 point. If the Racer crashes a 3rd time, the racer will be penalized 1 point and the Racer is out of the race.

Thus the Racer who loses control of their racing vehicle, de-slotting, crashing, three times, is penalized 3 points, and will receive a total of 10 points added to their racing session. 7 points for last place, and 3 points for crashing out three times, equals 10 points.

Winning the MKR Eliminator Season Championship,
means your the best driver, not just the fastest.

In any race …
In a Standing Start, or Standing Re-Start,
the Ghost Car, is starting in the second position.
In a Rolling Start, a Pit Lane shall be provided for the Pace Car to park.
If all the racers crash out, or finish behind the ghost car, the ghost car can, and will win the race.

The maximum penalties a racer could be assessed would be …
2 points for not attending the Practice Session.
3 points for not attending the Qualifying Session.
8 points for not attending the Racing Session.
14 points for not attending a racing event.

The two extremes …
Thus if you do not show up to all ten races in the season,
you will receive 140 points.
Therefore your point total for a season will be between 30 and 140 points.
Perfect score for a Season Champion Winner would be 30 points.
This is the least amount of points you can be awarded,
for attending 10 Practice Sessions, Qualifying 1st ten times,
and Winning all 10 races, making you,
the Greatest Slot Racer of the Year and Season Champion Winner,
in the class you entered.

MKR Scale Speed Realism Programming.
If a Ghost Car is racing, it is more of a challenge if, the Ghost Car can go as fast as possible. Therefore it is recommended, that the Carrera 30347 Double Lane Change Track is used, in one or more locations, as it can handle the highest possible speeds. The Ghost Car, which travels at a steady throttle position, and does not pit for refueling, must be taken into consideration when designing a track, so that it can go as fast as possible, without de-slotting. Coming out of an elevated R4 Bank Curve down a long straightaway into a 180 degree R1 Flat Curve, will almost surely de-slot the Ghost Car, by design, and although it might be a great challenge for the human Racers, it will probably be the source of de-slotting, for humans as well…

Below is the generic formula for a successful design.
Tracks using only Radius 1 Flat Curves 40% PFB (Power, Fuel, Brakes)
Tracks using additionally Radius 1 Banked Curves 50% PFB 
Tracks using additionally Radius 2 Flat Curves 50% PFB 
Tracks using additionally Radius 2 Banked Curves 60% PFB 
Tracks using additionally Radius 3 Flat Curves 60% PFB 
Tracks using additionally Radius 3 Banked Curves 70% PFB 
Tracks using additionally Radius 4 Flat Curves 70% PFB 
Tracks using additionally Radius 4 Banked Curves 80% PFB 

MKR is for everyone, so if you cannot afford to have every radius, and don’t have enough variety of track pieces, to set up ten different track layouts, just use what you have. If you do have enough track pieces to offer seven Pit Lanes, and every radius, and type of turn,  you don’t have to use it all, every race. Having each track be different, will make the season quite a challenge and each track a new experience.

Whether you have just one layout design, for the entire ten race season, or setup a different layout for every race, the MKR Carrera Digital 132 Road Race Eliminator Racing Championship, can be quite a challenge, regardless of your layout, by instituting a Ghost Car Pit Rule, which mandates that all human controlled race vehicles, do not leave the pits, until the Ghost Car has passed them, and is ahead of them, on the position tower. Once the Ghost Car has passed you, then your racing vehicle, is clear to leave the pits.
If you fail to stay in the Pit Lane, until the Ghost Car passes you, you will receive a one point penalty. And remember, if you don’t make a precision stop, in your pit box, you will not trigger the Pit Lane sensor, and you will have to make another lap, and try again.  It does require skill, to land perfectly in the Pit Lane, Pit Box, to trigger the sensor, so you can refuel.
With the Ghost Car Pit Rule, it can all come down to, the mad dash for the Checkered Flag, for the Win, after the last pit stop, it's show time, as the Ghost Car Pit Rule tends to keep everyone on the lead lap, for a super competitive exciting finish, where anyone can still Win !!!

One Race Host requirement, is an overhead camera, that covers the entire track, so that you can at least make, an uninterrupted recording, of the Final Round, to determine whom the Podium Finishers are. The suggested ideal track size, should be contained to 16 x 9 feet, and that is because, 16:9 is the aspect ratio, of modern high definition widescreen video.

If the racing vehicles are to have numbers, they should correspond to the controller they are programmed to.  This will help the spectators too.



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